I know, I know. Another posting indirectly about cars but I thought this was too graphic-design-cool to not talk about. Imagine you just bought a new car and instead of having the typical metallic logo at the front of your car (whether you are fancy shmancy and have an animal like a Jaguar leaping off your hood or maybe you sport the monogram of VW) Toyota Scion owners are going to be able to pick from one of a hundred logos that a professional graffiti artist has custom-designed for the Scion OR they can design their own with elements that the artist has done! Scionspeak.com is the website to go to to check it out, and the idea was brought to Scion by their marketing and advertising agency StrawberryFrog. How much fun would THIS account be to work on?! The possibilities are endless when you are designing your own crest and I know would take me longer than the five minutes I just spent making this one that you see above. I mean it's your CAR! How could you EVER decide?! What would define you? Either way, I think it's strange they would let you use a cocktail glass for a car emblem....
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