Ahhh, if I could be a gal in this amazing illustrator's, Tobie Giddio, paintings I would be so purposefully decorated. Alerted to her incredible portfolio from our art buyer at work I immediately fell in love with these paintings – the colors, the energy, the silo-ed background. It's all fabulous and something I would love to have on my walls. Checking out her biography, I see she has a beyond well-respected client list (Bergdorf's, Apple, Tiffany's, Neiman Marcus, Amy Sedaris' hysterical and helpful book "I Like You, Hospitality Under the Influence") and actually sort of looks like the ladies she is painting. As they say, there is a piece of yourself in all of your art.
I wonder if she sells prints...
And I think she has inspired me to do double-time on my Mac-based work tonight so I can break out the paintbrushes tomorrow night.
I wonder if she sells prints...
And I think she has inspired me to do double-time on my Mac-based work tonight so I can break out the paintbrushes tomorrow night.
Great find!
those are stunning! thanks so much for sharing my dear!
xo katherine aka. urban flea :)
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Thanks a lot and congratulations for the blog!
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