Though I wasn't a fan of the majority of the Superbowl ads, there were some I really liked for their humor content (Justin Timberlake for Pepsi and Will Ferrell for BudLight) and some I liked for their heartwarming and comedic content (the NFL real stories). There was one in particular whose concept I didn't love but visually really liked from a graphic design standpoint; it was the Sunsilk ad using Marilyn, Shakira and Madonna. This ad was done by one of my favorites in the boutique branding business, none other than Desgrippes Gobe. You can tell a design studio worked on this, as opposed to an advertising agency through the simple and clean design and great use of the negative space and color. It was also the girliest ad during the show; aside from the "Happy Valentine's Day" from Victoria's Secret, which I kept waiting for Giselle to show up for while wearing Tom's home jersey.
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