No, I am not that hardcore/Muhammad Ali where I am thinking
about getting a tattoo of gloves, but thought the illustration was nice}
Walking into the gym last night, there was a poster on the wall at the beginning of the stairs that had me in hysterics the rest of the way up the staircase. First off, I think my gym has a great copy writing department and they usually come out with some fairly quirky headlines. The one I saw last night was: "If your snow angels start to look like crop circles". I love that! So the gym had succeeded in making me laugh before even swiping my key chain over the scanner, but could it also make me sweat? Walking into my boxing class I noticed the regular drill Sargent of an instructor (who I love because he kicks our buts and in the same breath will yell at you for not jumping high enough and then make a joke that your Mom could jump higher than you) wasn't there. This guy wasn't as scary at first and wasn't scary at all, but whoa, what a workout! At one point in the middle of the circuit training where I was working one-on-one with the instructor and punching *left-right-left-right* as fast as I could humanly go against his punching blockers, I became very humbled – I was tired, my biceps were hurting, I could feel my breathing getting faster and my heart rate rocking. No matter how many miles I can run, no matter how fast I can dribble a soccer ball, there are a lot of athletic endeavors that will tire me out and give me a challenge. And I love that.