January 8, 2008

Lost and found.

{From FOUND Magazine online}

Okay, I apologize if you know about this already but I stumbled upon this fantastic website a month ago (via a blog, via a blog) called Found. Each day a new found note or photo is posted online with a little bit of (usually) entertaining commentary. Finders are from all across the country and even the world. I am trying to think of the best note or letter I have found by mistake on the street, in a classroom, in the grocery cart. What about you? Anything worth entering to this site? Yesterday's was quite amusing and I thought I would share (it is the one posted above). It excites and/or frightens me that one day a grocery list I have made or a love note I wrote to Kevin Caruso in the seventh grade could be out and about for all to see on the world wide web...

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